
Allergies in Cats

Allergien bei Katzen

Allergies in Cats

Recognize and treat cat allergies !

Cats can suffer from allergies more often than you might think . Allergies in cats are therefore not uncommon. Similar to humans, allergy symptoms in cats also manifest themselves in the form of severe itching and the resulting inflammation. There can be many different triggers for an allergy in your cat. However, the most common triggers include incorrect food and certain environmental influences . If you notice allergic symptoms in your cat, we recommend that you go to the vet immediately. Why you should always have allergies checked by a vet and what options there are for alleviating symptoms. We will explain to you in today's blog post.

How do allergies manifest themselves in cats?

Signs of an allergy in your cat!

Allergies in cats can occur suddenly. Even if your cat has not shown any symptoms for many years, an allergy can develop from one moment to the next . Apart from that, there are also cats that react to certain substances, food or environmental influences from an early age. In these cases , a congenital predisposition to allergies. Some allergies last a lifetime and others disappear on their own. Neither duration nor severity can be predicted.

Allergies in cats mean that the immune system overreacts. Everyday substances or environmental influences can cause such overreactions with sometimes severe symptoms. If absorbed through the skin, allergies can lead to skin problems. The most common symptoms include :

  • Itching accompanied by severe scratching and licking

  • skin inflammations

  • bald patches in the fur

  • cleaning compulsion

  • Digestive disorders such as vomiting or diarrhea

  • Inflammation of paws and ears

  • Visible raising and lowering of the flanks, breathing with open mouth

  • Asthma and even shortness of breath

In many cases, cats do not just react to one allergen . In this case, as with humans, we speak of cross-allergies. Pollen allergies often also show up as house dust allergies . In order to determine what your cat is allergic to, a trip to the vet is essential. You can only help your cat appropriately if you know what is wrong with your cat or, in this case, what it is reacting to .

What causes allergies in cats?

In fact, everything that blooms and flies can cause allergic reactions!

Whether it is a component of the cat food such as protein or grain or environmental influences ; Allergens are everywhere in our everyday lives . The most common allergens in cats include:

  • parasites such as mites and fleas

  • mold spores

  • house dust

  • Plant pollen from weeds, grasses, flowers and even trees

  • insect bites

  • creams and shampoos

  • flea medication (antiparasitics)

  • Fragrances (detergents for blankets and cat beds , cat litter, etc.)

Allergy in cats: What you can do

Observe, investigate the cause, consult a veterinarian – and alleviate the symptoms!

You've probably already asked yourself what you can do for your cat if it has an allergy? By observing it and its habits , researching the causes and discussing them with your vet, you've already helped your cat a lot. Pay attention to when the allergy symptoms appear. What are the circumstances that accompany them?

If your cat has an allergic reaction immediately after using the litter box, the allergy is probably related to the litter . If allergic reactions occur after eating, this may indicate a food intolerance.

You should share your observations with your vet. He will arrange appropriate tests and examinations and advise you accordingly. To relieve the itching that often accompanies an allergy, we recommend our emmi®-pet skin care set . You can use our skin care set to rid scratched areas of the fur, ears or paws of harmful bacteria . Our specially formulated emmi®-pet hydrogel gently cleanses your cat's wound and, in combination with the latest Ultrasound technology has its full spectrum of effects.

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