
Is castration necessary or not?

Kastration notwendig oder nicht?

At a Castration surgery removes the gonads removed. Pets are then no longer able to produce or give birth to offspring. Like a Castration surgery on a pet is, when it becomes necessary, what chemical castration is all about and when you should forego the operation, we explain to you in today's blog post.

Castration of pets: How does castration work?

At the castration surgery your pet, the veterinarian removes all of the four-legged patient's gonads and organs. In male animals, these are the testes and in female animals, the ovaries. Castration always leads to the complete impossibility of producing offspring. The same effect can also be achieved with "chemical castration".

Unlike a total operation, the effect of chemical castration after a certain time, then the animals are able to reproduce and give birth again. In the case of total surgery and the complete By the way, when the germ organs are removed, hormone glands are also removed. Processes in your pet's body controlled by sex hormones decrease after surgical castration.

Castration of pets: When is castration done?

The castration of pets Medically speaking, castration is an amputation because it involves the removal of body parts. For this reason, it is only possible for valid medical reasons. There are no various medical reasons. These include, for example:

  • prostatitis and uterine infection
  • Tumor
  • Bilateral cryptorchidism (testicle in the abdominal cavity or inguinal canal)
  • Gender-specific behavior (urine marking, roaming, strong aggression in males, heat, pseudopregnancy)
  • Mixed group housing without desire for reproduction
  • outdoor cats

Castration in animals: How does castration work?

How the castration is carried out depends of course on your animal, its gender and health characteristics. But all procedures have one thing in common: they are performed under general anesthesiaFor this reason, dogs and cats should fast for around 12 hours before castration so that they are fasting during the operation. The situation is a little different for small mammals - they should eat until shortly before the operation. Your vet will explain the details to you beforehand.

At the surgical castration For male pets, the procedure is much less complex if the testicles are clearly visible outside the abdominal cavity. For cryptorchids, however, the castration operation is much more complex, as the testicles have to be removed from the abdominal cavity or the inguinal cleft. As with the removal of the ovaries in female pets, opening the abdominal cavity is essential here. If the castration is due to an organ disease, it may be sensible to remove not only the ovaries, but also the uterus. However, your veterinarian will make a decision on a case-by-case basis.

In contrast to surgical castration, the chemical castration with hormone preparations. These can be given to your pet as an implant or as a tablet by the vet. Preparations for chemical castration suppress the function of the testicles and ovaries and thus make your four-legged friend infertile. This method is reversible. This means that the effect automatically wears off at a certain point.

Castration of pets: What you should pay attention to after castration!

If your pet had to undergo castration, you may also notice changes in behavior. Neutered males and males no longer mark and significantly reduce their territory radius. Gender-specific behaviour also decreases significantly. Females develop no false pregnancies more and become increasingly calmer. Some animals suffer from obesity after castration because their metabolism has changed due to the lack of sex hormones. In this case you should definitely adjust the feeding.

FAQ: 3 Questions and Answers Castration of Pets

Is castration of animals allowed in Germany?

The sterilization of animals, castration, without a medical reason is generally prohibited in Germany. In this country, the castration of free-living cats without medical reason is required.

When do you have to have your dog neutered?

Become Dogs neutered too early for medical reasons, this can lead to aggressive behavior. The mental and physical development of the animal can also be slowed down by castration. Castration for medical reasons should therefore only be carried out after the animal has reached the age of one.

When do you have to have your cat neutered?

Become Cats neutered for medical reasons This physical change is accompanied by a hormonal change. It can take several weeks until the cat's hormone levels return to normal.

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