
Cats make you happy

Katzen machen glücklich

For a long time it was the dog owners who special relationship and bond between humans and animals for themselves. Cat lovers sometimes had no choice but to accept this fact and trust that cats do not develop an emotional bond with their humans. Can one study from the USA believe, can cats very well build an intensive bond with their humans . Find out in today's blog post why cats can also miss their humans and how you can Strengthen your relationship with your cat and strengthen.

Cats can relieve pain and reduce stress

Cute purring not only serves as an indicator and shows the well-being of your cat but has a healing effect on us humans. Dr. med. univ. Kurt Pinter from Austria, more precisely Graz , has investigated this assumption and has built a device which purring of a cat The vibrations are said to promote the healing of bone fractures. In addition, the purring sound and the resulting vibration are said to Increase bone strength and even on joints, muscles and tendons positive effects It's hard to imagine, but it's true - laying on a cat improves your general well-being and makes you happy.

Stroking your cat can also reduce stress and have a calming effect. It lowers your blood pressure and pulse rate. The Stroke Institute in Minnesota found that Cat owners suffer less from cardiovascular problems Thanks to regular petting, the body also releases more serotonin, which means that you sleep more relaxed and your general state of mind is much more relaxed. If you own a cat and regularly attend to its needs, you are much

  • relaxed
  • Satisfied and
  • watchman.

This in turn leads to you being happier overall and feeling much more comfortable.

Cats comfort you and help you sleep better

In a study with more than 150 participants, psychology professor Reinhold Bergler found that Cats are perfect comforters Depending on the intensity of the bond, cats can even replace a psychiatrist. For example, if you have suffered a loss, including the loss of your job, the close bond with your cat help you get over it more quickly. Cats provide unconscious comfort just by their presence. What is the saying? A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved? That's right, that's exactly what applies here. In this case, cats make you just as happy as dogs.

If you suffer from sleep disorders, your cat can help you fall asleep faster and even sleep through the night better. A nice side effect of having a cat in the household? Children who grow up with a cat in the household are not only happier, but are also significantly less likely to develop asthma.

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