
Cat toothbrush: How to achieve animal-friendly dental care with the emmi®-pet

Katzenzahnbürste: So gelingt die tiergerechte Zahnpflege mit der emmi-pet

Dogs and cats are just as susceptible to dental diseases as humans. Problems with the teeth are one of the most common diseases in cats. The cause is usually tartar, which can cause painful gingivitis and periodontal disease. In cats and humans, it starts with food residues that get stuck on and between the teeth and harden into plaque. Therefore, your pet's dental hygiene should be just as important as your own. Food leftovers should be disposed of with a special cat toothbrush and a corresponding toothpaste be removed regularly and thoroughlyBut not all cat toothbrushes are the same: Cats' teeth are particularly efficiently cared for with the emmi® pet ultrasonic toothbrush. We explain what advantages the brush brings to you and your pet and how you can use the ultrasonic brush in your regular dental routine.

Which toothbrush for cats?

There are different types of cat toothbrushes available on the market: from the simple hand toothbrush for your house cat to the finger toothbrush that you put over your finger to brush your teeth. Teeth can be cleaned particularly thoroughly and easily with an electric toothbrush. This applies not only to people, but now also to cats and dogs. However, many cats are frightened by the vibration and noise that an electric toothbrush makes, so that dental care with an electric model is very laborious for many pet owners. The emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush takes a completely new approach. The emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush works with patented ultrasonic technology and cleans teeth thoroughly - without any noise or vibrations.

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Emmi®-pet – the ideal toothbrush for cats

In contrast to manual toothbrushes, finger toothbrushes and conventional electric models, the emmi® pet uses the micro-cleaning process. The clever head of the toothbrush generates up to 96 million vibrations per minute, which easily reach the smallest gaps between the teeth. Bacteria and plaque are permanently removed, thus preventing the formation of tartar and resulting dental diseasesThe animals' teeth are cleaned gently and motionlessly without brushing. This makes brushing teeth particularly pleasant for cats. As a result, the emmi®-pet is more accepted by animals than other models and effectively removes plaque from the teeth. In addition, the ultrasonic toothbrush penetrates up to 12 mm deep into the gums and helps prevent the formation of tartar, bad breath, gingivitis, periodontal disease and the associated tooth loss.

Why is brushing teeth so important for cats?

Whether for chopping up food or for fur and claw care: In cats too, healthy teeth contribute significantly to the quality of lifeHowever, veterinarians point out that around three quarters of all cats suffer from dental problems. In addition to tartar, which is considered the main cause of gingivitis and periodontitis, many animals are affected by what is known as cat caries (FORL). In feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions, the tooth substance dissolves itself to a certain extent. Studies estimate that around 40 percent of all cats suffer from this disease, which has so far been little researched. Although the development of FORL in cats cannot be prevented, as a pet owner you can at least help prevent it by ensuring your cat has good oral hygiene. This is because gingivitis, which is caused by tartar, is said to promote FORL.

Instructions for brushing cats' teeth with the emmi®-pet

The most effective way to prevent dental problems in cats is is regular tooth cleaning with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush. The best way to use your daily cuddles is to brush your four-legged friend's teeth. When doing so, apply the special ultrasonic toothpaste from emmi®-pet, which is tailored to the special needs of cats, onto the brush. Then you just have to hold the ultrasonic toothbrush to the animal's teeth - the emmi does the rest.®-pet by itself.

Tips and Tricks: How to get your cat used to brushing its teeth

Very few cats are particularly enthusiastic when it comes to dental care. Older animals sometimes resist the use of a cat toothbrush. It is therefore advisable to introduce cats to tooth brushing at a young age. You should proceed carefully and cautiously and allow yourself a few days to several weeks for training. To get the cat used to dental care, first gently stroke the animal's lips, teeth and gums. Before you use the cat toothbrush, familiarize the animal with toothpaste first. Be sure to use the special cat toothpaste from emmi®-pet. Toothpaste for humans is completely unsuitable for cats and is even harmful.

Once the cat is used to the toothpaste, training with the cat toothbrush can begin. To do this, the cat should first be given the opportunity to recognize the brush as its own and to mark it accordingly. Therefore, your little darling should first get used to having the toothbrush in its mouth. You can also give the animal the emmi®-pet to the fur to get used to it. This will show your cat that the ultrasonic toothbrush is not dangerous for it. If you have several cats, you should make sure that each animal has its own toothbrush and that there are no mix-ups. You can use treats to reinforce progress and positive behavior when brushing teeth, thus laying the foundation for thorough and regular tooth cleaning.

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