When they are puppies, most dogs have sparkling white teeth that have not yet developed tartar. But without adequate dental care, this condition can change quickly. Veterinarians point out that by the age of three, 80 percent of all dogs already suffer from dental disease or inflamed gumsFor this reason, dental care should begin with puppies. If you brush your pet's teeth when they are still puppies, you are laying the foundation for your pet's lifelong dental health. The emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is ideal for this, as it effectively prevents diseases such as periodontitis. Your pet will also get used to having its teeth brushed more easily at this age.
The Dental Development of the Dog
Like humans, dogs are born toothless. At around four to five weeks of age, the animals' first teeth break through. This development enables your darling to eat solid food and slowly wean itself from its mother. Once the milk teeth are complete, they consist of six molars, two canines and six incisors, each located in the lower and upper jaw – a total of 28 teeth. The milk teeth of puppies are usually smaller and significantly sharper than the permanent teeth. The little ones themselves have to practice using their teeth and can easily cause scratches when they are playing wildly.
Puppies and dental care – why it is so important right from the start
Your puppy's milk teeth will not stay as bright white as they are now for long. Food residues that remain in the teeth after eating provide an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. The teeth become discolored by plaque, and later the plaque hardens into tartar, which is considered to be the cause of numerous dental diseases in dogs, such as periodontitis. This dental disease is not only extremely painful for your pet, but can also lead to tooth loss in the long termFor this reason, dental care for puppies is extremely important. In addition to the right dog food, this also includes regular tooth brushing.
With the innovative emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush, which cleans the dog's teeth particularly gently, you can even brush puppies' teeth. IAt this age, getting used to the necessary oral hygiene is also easier than with older dogs, where you often have to be more patient with the procedure. A puppy can usually be introduced to dental care in a playful way and later internalizes it as a necessary routine. Every puppy and dog should be used to opening their mouths anyway, regardless of the importance of dental care - so that you can identify misaligned teeth and dental problems early on and so that your darling can more easily undergo examinations at the vet, for example if they have injured their mouth.
The permanent dog teeth – impressive and vital for survival
Between about the fourth and seventh month of life, the puppy slowly loses its milk teeth, which are replaced by permanent teeth. When exactly the change of teeth takes place varies from animal to animal and depends on the individual dog breed and the general condition of the animal. The dog’s permanent teeth normally consist of 42 teethThese include two canines, six incisors and 12 molars in the upper jaw and two canines, six incisors and four molars in the lower jaw, which enable the dog to catch, grasp and hold prey as well as to chop it up. The diverse functions of the dog's teeth illustrate how important dental care is for dogs and brushing their teeth even when they are puppies.
The change of teeth and how you can support your dog
The change of teeth in puppies is announced by the so-called chewing phase, in which the puppy likes to chew on shoes and other objects. Because puppies often swallow many of their milk teeth, dog owners often do not even notice the actual change of teeth. It is important to to detect tooth misalignments at an early stage and to present the puppy to the vet in this caseA persistent milk tooth is also not uncommon. This means that the milk tooth does not fall out even though the permanent tooth has already broken through. In this case, too, it is necessary to brush the puppy's teeth, because dog food residue often gets stuck in these places.
For some puppies, the change of teeth goes completely smoothly, while other dogs have to deal with some difficulties. The eruption of the permanent dog teeth can sometimes cause the animals severe pain. You can support your puppy by feeding them nutrient-rich dog food without sugar and special chew toys as well as thorough dental care that minimizes plaque and tartar in the dog's mouth. You should also avoid tug-of-war and fetch games during this time. This causes the puppy additional pain. On top of that, the permanent teeth can be damaged or even broken off - in this case, even the most effective dental care for your dog is of no use.
Brushing your puppy’s teeth – healthy dog teeth from the start
To remove tartar and resulting dental diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis In order to effectively prevent dental problems in dogs, dental care is essential even when the puppy is young. Plaque and tartar are among the most common diseaseswhy dog owners visit the vet. It is up to you to brush the puppy's teeth and get him used to the necessary oral hygiene at an early stage. This way you support the health of your darling from the very beginning.
With the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush, teeth cleaning is particularly thorough and is particularly gentle. The ultrasound-based toothbrush for dogs completely dispenses with brushing, but cleans teeth and gums deeply by imploding microbubbles that are formed in the mouth by the ultrasound. This means that the ultrasonic toothbrush is often better accepted by the animals than a conventional toothbrush. Bacteria that cause tartar and bad breath are thoroughly eliminated even without the brushing movement.
In addition, the emmi®-pet does not produce vibrations or noises like a conventional electric toothbrush, which can irritate puppies and dogs to the point that they resist brushing their teeth. However, this is not the case when you brush your puppy's teeth with the emmi®-pet. In this way, the ultrasonic toothbrush combines particularly thorough tooth cleaning with an extremely animal-friendly approach.
Brushing your puppy's teeth with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush
To prevent bad teeth, which can cause lasting damage to your pet's health, start brushing your puppy's teeth as early as possible. Get your little darling used to opening its mouth and to the taste of the special ultrasonic toothpaste, which is necessary when brushing teeth with the emmi®-pet. Reward the puppy repeatedly with caresses and treats as it gets used to the game. Once the animal is sufficiently familiar with this, you can start with the actual brushing of the teeth.
Position the puppy and yourself so that you can easily brush the animal's teeth. Then apply some toothpaste to the puppy's teeth and then hold the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush to the dog's teeth without scrubbing like you would with a conventional toothbrush. Work your way through your puppy's entire set of teeth in this way. Bacteria that cause tartar formation have little chance and you help the puppy to have a healthy start in life. Because your dog benefits from healthy teeth not only as a puppy, but also well into old age.