
Despite thick fur, dogs and cats also have skin problems

Trotz dickem Fell, auch Hunde und Katzen haben Hautprobleme

As a pet owner, you have certainly noticed that many dogs and cats have serious skin problems However, the most common skin diseases include allergies, which can manifest themselves through itching and hair loss. In today's blog post, we will explain which skin diseases are still quite common.

Skin diseases in dogs and cats

Atopic dermatitis and eczema often appear on the paws and ears of cats and dogs. They can also appear on the feet and even spread over the entire body. The main symptom of skin diseases is almost always itching. Your dog or cat will bite and scratch itself, sometimes so badly that its fur falls out, scabs or even scales form.

As a result, your pet’s skin can become sore and even inflamed at the open areas. This causes

  • painful,
  • bloody
  • and sometimes purulent skin areas.

These are the so-called hotspots.

Largest organ in dogs and cats: the skin

The largest organ of your pet is its skin. Whether it's a dog or a cat, it makes up around 12-24 percent of the total body weight. For this reason, skin diseases can have a significant impact on the well-being and health of your dog or cat.

Skin diseases are one of the second most common causes of skin diseases in pets. Their causes are varied and fundamentally different. Skin diseases can be caused by:

  • metabolic disorders,
  • diseases of the internal organs,
  • Hormone,
  • but also psychological factors and infections.

Allergies are often the trigger, with around 10 percent of all dogs suffering from a malfunction of the immune system. Pollen, dust mites, food ingredients and even flea saliva can skin problems in your dog or cat.

Signs of skin problems in your pet

Skin problems in your dog manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms. They range from slight redness to hair loss, crusting and scaling. Animals often display noticeably restless behavior. A common symptom of skin diseases is itching. Your animal licks the itchy area or scratches it. This can lead to open wounds.

Atopic dermatitis is a common skin disease that can affect dogs or cats of any age. Its symptoms can remain inactive for years because they only appear when there is contact with the allergen.

Allergies as a skin problem are often chronic in cats

Allergies as skin problem is often chronic in cats. It is an incurable disease. Regardless of the cause, treatment and diagnosis require a great deal of patience. Certain trigger factors should be identified with the veterinarian before treatment. Flea saliva allergies are widespread and it is advisable to rule out this cause through flea prevention. In contrast, food allergies seem to be less common than previously thought, at 10-15 percent.

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