
Gingivitis in dogs and possible secondary diseases

Zahnfleischentzündung beim Hund und mögliche Folgeerkrankungen

Similar to humans, the Dental care for dogs extremely important and even fundamental to ensure the animal's long-term health. This is why gingivitis in dogs, as a symptom of potential dental disease, should be prevented if possible or at least noticed in good time.

Gingivitis in dogs – Most common cause: poor dental care

80% of all bacteria enter the dog’s body through the mouth. Unfortunately, some of them are harmful, which gingivitis in dogs During the course of this gingivitis, the dog develops wounds in the mouth, through the bacteria into the bloodstream. This has serious consequences for the entire body. And that is why dental care is important before gum disease develops in dogs.

Here is an overview of the most common dental diseases:

tartar in dogs

Without regular dental care, every day a biofilm on the dog's teeth. This consists of millions of bacteria and food residues, among other things, which settle on the teeth and harden in combination with minerals in the dog's saliva. This is how tartar, which can cause gingivitis in dogs.

Gingivitis in dogs, as in humans, is caused by plaque in the spaces between the teeth. gingivitis attacks gums and tooth neck directly. It can even lead to gingival recession This causes the gums to recede, and the tooth root is exposed. This means that what was initially a simple gum infection becomes very painful for dogs. At this stage, normal dental care is no longer sufficient.


Periodontitis is also an inflammation of the gums in dogs, as is known in humans. The teeth become loose because the tissue in the periodontium is attacked.

bone loss

If the process caused by gingivitis in dogs progresses untreated in the mouth, it can even lead to permanent damage to the bone come.

tooth fracture

If a tooth breaks, it can dental pulp of the dog. Untreated wounds in the mouth are also associated with gingivitis in dogs. A red or black spot on the gums can be a sign of tooth fracture be.

Distinguishing feature: gingivitis in dogs

Most mouth diseases are preceded by gingivitis in dogs. The discomfort is often reflected in a behavioral change If the animal is passive and unwilling to chew or play, these are clear signs of gingivitis in the dog. Dental care also becomes more difficult. In order to combat the causes of gingivitis in the dog, regular dental care very important for the animal. We therefore recommend that you always keep an eye on the animal and brush its teeth regularly to prevent gum inflammation in the dog and harmful secondary diseases to prevent.

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