
Puppy training: A puppy moves in

Welpenerziehung: Ein Welpe zieht ein

A puppy pulls soon with you To make it a social companion To make it, you should make sure that your little friend gets to know everything as early as possible and many positive experiences collects. A good dog does not bother other people or other dogs. In today's blog post, we will explain what you should consider when a puppy moves in and how you can train it to be a pleasant companion.

Puppy training: The imprinting phase determines later cohabitation

puppy training begins long ago before the puppy moves in with you . For this reason, you should make sure that you choose a breeder who can offer your new family member as many positive characteristics and contacts . Early habituation to various environmental stimuli is also part of this.

Traffic noise, vacuum cleaner, umbrella and rustling bags ; ideally, your faithful companion is already accustomed to these daily environmental stimuli and shows no fear . In this first important phase of his development it is decided whether your dog will become a fearful or curious and open companion.

Puppy Training: Moving into the New Home

A friendly and socially open dog shows trust in its owners. Only when the puppy feels safe with you should you start showing it your world. In the first few days after moving in, you should Do not overwhelm him . Play with him when he is nearby and shows interest. Address your faithful companion by his name from the beginning. If he responds, you can of course Reward with treats or a game . This way, your dog not only learns to listen to his name, but also associates it with something positive.

After moving in, you will quickly notice that your dog often follows your behavior. Dogs learn a lot through observation . So make use of this ability. The way you approach new situations in a friendly and calm manner will ultimately determine how your dog reacts in these situations.

Be sure to prepare your dog from the beginning for various things that he will experience frequently in his life. These include Visits to the vet as well as rides in the car . daily dental hygiene and check-ups You should get your puppy used to it early on. Regular and trained inspection of the mouth can help you and your dog in certain situations. Especially when it comes to checking the status of the teeth. daily dental hygiene our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush ideal.

Puppy training: less is more in the beginning

Do you live in the city? There are countless new sounds and smells . All these environmental stimuli bombard the young dog. Keep the First trips outside should be short . Ideally, you should initially limit yourself to the immediate surroundings . First the business, then the play. Once your dog has relieved himself, you can play with him for a while.

Among dogs, the following principle applies: Wherever there is gambling, there is a threat no danger Therefore, environmental stimuli such as traffic noise become unimportant sounds to which your dog no longer actively reacts.

Puppy Training: Learning the Chase Game Properly

In particular Puppies love chasing games . In general, dogs love chasing moving objects. However, most cyclists and joggers do not like being chased. Therefore, train your dog early on correct behavior without distraction . When playing with a toy, for example, you get closer and closer to joggers and cyclists in the park, make sure that your dog The game with you is always more exciting than people walking or driving past . To be on the safe side, you should start with a Training with a tow line .

Puppy training: Don't train your puppy to jump up

Not training a dog to jump is one of the most difficult exercises in dog training. Ideally Your little friend will never get used to jumping up , because it is much more difficult to untrain a negative trait.

FAQ: 3 questions and answers to prevent your dog from jumping up

How to greet a puppy properly?

Since people usually find puppies very cute, they often find it difficult to give a puppy not to train the dog to jump up in the first place . People around the dog often don't mind being jumped on by a puppy. The best way to greet a puppy is to ignore it at first. If it jumps up to greet you or your visitor, you should stay calm and only pay attention to the dog when it is back on the ground with all four paws.

How to stop a puppy from jumping up?

Jumping on puppies is forbidden , because a puppy quickly becomes a big dog. And that's when jumping on them is no longer so great. If your puppy jumps on you or visitors, just keep walking as if you could walk right through them. Push them gently to the side with your body. Once the puppy has calmed down and is standing with all four paws on the ground, you can greet them.

What to do when jumping up to greet someone?

Only greet your dog when he is standing with all four paws on the ground. If he is tempted to jump up because of the attention, work with commands such as “sit” or “down”. This will give him a task that he cannot reconcile with high jumping in the future . Make sure that visitors and strangers follow your instructions and do not undermine your authority.

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