A jealous dog can quickly become a problem. Especially when several people live in one household or the household expands, for example, due to children, Jealous behavior of your dog to the nerves of endurance Particularly unpleasant is the jealousy of your dog also among conspecifics How jealousy arises in dogs, how you can recognize it and what you can do about it, we will explain to you in today's blog post.
Is your dog jealous or has jealous traits?
Each dog has a different type of relationship with each member of the household. Dogs evaluate each pack member separately according to his abilities and can certainly estimate which pack member is particularly important. Dogs are also able to recognize which family member is on the same or highest rank.
Normally your dog sees you as a reference person, if you spend most of your time with him and suggest a certain level of leadership qualities to him. If you now devote your attention to other people who live in your household or in your immediate environment, this can lead to Jealous behavior in your dog lead.
What you can do against jealous behavior
Create clear conditions. Gives your dog the opportunity to integrate into the social structure of your “pack” at any time. It is a good idea for every family member to spend time with the four-legged friend. joint walks to the changing "can opener" This is how a good bond can be built. Over time, the once jealous dog will recognize the advantages, find his place within the family or community and no longer perceive other household members as competition.
Preventing jealousy towards other family members
It is not unusualthat dogs react jealously when the circumstances of their environment change. To prevent this from happening, you can do the following:
- Make sure your dog and new family members meet on neutral ground for the first time.
- Do something together. Walks and wild romping strengthen every bond
- Always take enough time for your four-legged friend and do not discriminate against your dog.
- Feel free to leave feeding to new family members or your partner.
Jealousy behavior between dog and dog
If a second dog moves in, jealousy can become an issue. What we humans understand as jealous behavior is often perceived by dogs as an unclear hierarchy. Once the hierarchy is clarified, things are much calmer. Especially with young dogs, power struggles can be the order of the day from time to time. In order to maintain long-term harmony in your household, you should do not interfere in the hierarchy of your four-legged friends.
For example, if your first dog goes for the food first and pushes the younger dog away, then you should leave it at that and not interfereBy interfering, you may only create a breeding ground for more stress. If you notice that arguments of this kind are becoming more frequent, you should turn off the sourceSo if there are regular fights over toys or treats, don't let these arguments arise in the first place and temporarily remove the source of the problem from circulation.