
The latest generation of electric toothbrush for dogs: emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush

Die neuste Generation der elektrischen Zahnbürste für Hunde: emmi®-pet Ultraschallzahnbürste

The more thorough the animal's dental care, the better for its health. What has a positive effect on human dental health also has advantages for four-legged friends. Brushing the dog's teeth with an electric toothbrush is very popular among pet owners. Because the electric models enable a much better cleaning due to their high frequency of vibrationthan the classic manual toothbrush can. But the electric models also have major differences when it comes to animal dental care. The emmi®-pet is the first electric toothbrush for dogs that works with modern ultrasound technology. Cleaning performance and handling have been visibly and noticeably improved with the latest generation of dental care products.

Healthy dog teeth for an all-round healthy dog

After eating, it's time to brush your teeth - both for humans and pets. The dental care that the ancestors of domestic dogs did naturally when they ate doesn't work for pets because of their different living conditions. If dog food remains stuck between the animal's teeth while eating, bacteria have an excellent living environmentTogether with individual components from the dog's saliva, a biological film forms on the surface of the teeth after a short time. At first, this plaque is only a visual blemish that becomes noticeable in your dog in the form of discoloration. You can simply brush this plaque away with a toothbrush. However, if the plaque has hardened into tartar over time, brushing your teeth will no longer be effective. bad breath, inflamed gums The consequences can range from periodontitis to periodontitis, which in the last stage leads to tooth loss. If the bacteria from the oral cavity enter the bloodstream and thus other organs, the beloved four-legged friends are at risk of further health damage.

An electric toothbrush for dogs and its advantages

When it comes to healthy teeth in dogs, dental care sticks and dog food additives can't even come close to the effectiveness of a toothbrush. But not all brushes are just brushes. There are now many different toothbrushes on the market for dogs that are tailored to the special needs of four-legged friends, but there are big differences in handling and cleaning performance. Manual toothbrushes and finger cots, which you simply put over your finger to brush your dog's teeth, are the simplest tools for animal dental care. However, with manual cleaning there is a risk that you will apply too much pressure. This is not only extremely unpleasant for the dog, but can also increase the animal's aversion to brushing teeth and the toothbrush. Furthermore, too much pressure when brushing damages the gums, which are particularly sensitive in many dogs anyway and can therefore quickly become irritated and even injured.

But electric toothbrushes for dogs are now becoming increasingly popular. The electric models clean the teeth more thoroughly than a conventional manual toothbrush. In addition, brushing the dog's teeth with an electric toothbrush is easier and requires less effort because the brushes do most of the work.

The further development of the electric dog toothbrush: the emmi®-pet

An electric toothbrush of the latest generation, which is based on modern ultrasound technology, cleans the dog's teeth even more thoroughly. The emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush exceeds the advantages of conventional electric models again and compensates for the disadvantages of these brushes.

How efficient Ultrasound for tooth cleaning The technology has been proving its effectiveness in humans for years. With the emmi®-pet, EMAG AG has now developed an electric toothbrush for dogs and cats that uses this principle for pets' dental care. The development is based on the latest scientific findings that benefit the health and well-being of your four-legged friends.

The electric toothbrush for dogs that doesn't scrub

While the motor of a conventional electric toothbrush for dogs can produce up to 20,000 vibrations per minute, the piezo chip in the brush head of the emmi®-pet generates 96 million per minute. In addition, the ultrasound enables a completely new cleaning process for dog dental care. Whether manual toothbrush or conventional electric model: Ultimately, both types of toothbrush work on the same principle and only allow for mechanical cleaning of the dog's teeth. The emmi®-pet is different: Instead of scrubbing your teeth as usual, the innovative brush cleans teeth, interdental spaces and gums by imploding tiny bubbles that the ultrasound creates. The ultrasonic toothbrush removes food residue, plaque and tartar from hard-to-reach areas of the dog's mouth that cannot be cleaned with other models. In this way, it prevents the formation of tartar and the resulting dental diseases and bad breath.

Healthy teeth through gentle cleaning with ultrasound

The emmi®-pet cleans your dog's teeth thoroughly, but it does so gently. The innovative ultrasonic toothbrush works completely without brush movements – Pressure cannot be exerted on your dog's sensitive gums. On the contrary: the micro-bubbles that the brush creates in combination with a special ultrasonic toothpaste clean the dog's teeth and gums extremely gently. The modern electric toothbrush even stimulates blood circulation in the gums. This allows the gums to heal more quickly if there are already problems - your dog and his health will certainly thank you for it.

Thorough and yet extremely easy to use

As far as handling is concerned, the emmi®-pet is as impressive as any electric toothbrush, because the brush does the actual cleaning work for you. All you need to do is hold the ultrasonic toothbrush to your dog's teeth. And while the ultrasound prevents bad breath, gingivitis and other dental diseases in your pet, you can devote yourself entirely to your four-legged friend and make brushing his teeth easier with caresses and encouragement.

The electric toothbrush for species-appropriate tooth cleaning in dogs

In addition to effective and gentle cleaning, the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush offers other advantages for your dog's dental care and thus compensates for the disadvantages of conventional electric toothbrushes. The vibrations of conventional electric brushes are unfamiliar to the animals and sometimes frighten them - dental care for dogs becomes even more difficult than it already is. The beeping sounds that electric toothbrushes also emit also contribute to the four-legged friends resisting the brushes and brushing their teeth in general.

The emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush, on the other hand, works almost motionlessly and silently. This means that dogs are not frightened by vibrations and noises like with other electric brushes, but tolerate its use better. Cleaning your pet’s teeth is extremely gentle and pleasantIn this way, the innovative electric toothbrush contributes to a high level of acceptance among animals and enables animal-friendly tooth cleaning. The specialist office for animal-friendly animal husbandry and animal welfare (FTT) in Austria certified that the emmi®-pet is a product that complies with animal welfare requirements.

The best for your beloved four-legged friend

When it comes to electric toothbrushes for dogs, the emmi®-pet sets new standards. Animal health and animal welfare go hand in hand with this innovative development. This is the latest generation of animal dental care.

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