
Tips for harmonious coexistence of dog and cat

Tipps für harmonisches Zusammenleben von Hund und Katze

As you know, dogs and cats are among the most popular pets in Germany. Most people prefer one of the two. But some people would like to own both animals.

The fact that dogs and cats don't get along has been something that seems to have been established for centuries, but it is still possible for the animals to live together peacefully. In today's blog post, we'll explain how you can arrange a harmonious coexistence between dog and cat.

Hostility between dogs and cats: misleading communication?

One problem that is often mentioned when this topic is discussed is that dogs and cats communicate differently. They often see each other as a threat because they cannot interpret each other's body language or even feel threatened by it.

For example, when a dog is happy, it stands very upright and wags its tail. This shows that it feels good and is happy to be with you. In cats, however, this feeling is expressed by purring. However, a cat's purring can be perceived by a dog as growling.

A dog growls when it feels threatened and gets angry. On the other hand, a cat stands very straight with its tail raised when it feels threatened, the famous hump.

If a dog and a cat don't get along, it is usually a communication problem.

The intrusion into the territory

If you want to get a pet, or several, it usually happens gradually. You start with one animal and when it has settled in and is no longer so fixated on you as the owner, you can move on to the next animal. It doesn't matter whether you had the dog or the cat first, the animal will see itself as the ruler of the house. According to the motto: first come, first served.

Coupled with the first point mentioned, the situation is of course further complicated, because not only is a new animal entering the kingdom, but the other party does not understand the animal and may even feel threatened.

If you don't want to rely on luck when it comes to bringing them together or socializing them, there are two options. One is to get the animals used to each other from the start and get them at the same time. This means more work, but the animals would see each other as family members because they would grow up together and understand each other's body language better.

If this is not an option, then you should think about dividing up different areas. This way, the two parties do not see each other as rivals, but as neighbors and do not have to feel threatened. For example, the dog could have its kingdom in the garden and the cat in the house, or vice versa.

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