Oh, wonderful Christmas time! There are lots of treats waiting for both two-legged and four-legged friends! But you should definitely not share the delicious Christmas cookies that agree with you so much with your beloved dog. Because many of the things that we like are toxic to our furry friends, e.g. chocolate, sugar, baking powder, spices, cocoa powder, etc. So that your little darling doesn't have to look on enviously while you munch on cookies, we have put together a few ideas for you here so that you can bake some healthy and even tooth-friendly dog biscuits yourself. This is guaranteed to make you a super owner!
Baking healthy dog biscuits - Which ingredients can be used
You can safely use meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, dairy products, nuts and eggs to bake dog biscuits for your darling. You can use grain or flour, preferably rye or wholemeal flour, as a binding agent. If your dog is gluten intolerant, you can simply use corn flour or buckwheat flour.
In general, it's great if you can bake the dog biscuits yourself because you can take into account any allergies your dog may have. So when baking dog biscuits, simply leave out anything that could give your dog an upset stomach.
Baking dog biscuits - Here's how!
Recipe 1:
For homemade treats with liver sausage, you need 2 parts oatmeal, 1 part fresh liver sausage, 1 part cottage cheese, 1 egg and a few tablespoons of olive oil. Knead everything into a firm dough. You may add a little olive oil or water. Then roll out the dough and cut out the cookies using a cookie cutter. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and put in the cold oven. Then bake at 180 °C (fan oven) for 30 minutes.
Recipe 2:
You can bake the next type of dog biscuits using 2 finely grated carrots, 2 mashed bananas, a handful of chia seeds, a little cold water, olive oil and 200 g flour. Mix all the ingredients together, let the dough rest for a short while, then roll it out and cut out again with the cookie cutter. Then put it in the preheated oven at 180 °C and bake for about 20 to 25 minutes.
Baking dog biscuits - giving the gift of joy
If you seal the dog biscuits in an airtight container, they will last between two and four weeks and make great gifts. Your dog certainly has plenty of four-legged friends whose owners don't bake dog biscuits. Spread some Christmas joy among two- and four-legged friends and give away some of your homemade treats. We wish you, your four-legged friend and all your mutual friends a great and extremely delicious Christmas!
Are you still looking for a last-minute gift for your four-legged friend? Then we have something for you: Why the emmi®-pet is the perfect Christmas gift
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