
Which foods are dangerous for dogs?

Welche Lebensmittel sind für Hunde gefährlich?

You can cute look of your dog, when he tries to beg for a small morsel from the table, he can hardly resist? There is nothing wrong with a treat that accidentally falls from the table? Wrong thought, because seemingly harmless foods can cause massive damage to your dog's health and even be poisonous. What your dog not allowed to eat and we will explain why in today's blog post.

5 foods that are toxic to your dog!

The following overview is intended to make you aware of which foods you should not feed your dog. By making sure that your four-legged friend avoids these foods, you can protect him from health problems and even symptoms of poisoning.

garlic and onion plants

Garlic and onions of any kind (including flower bulbs) can be poisonous to your four-legged friend. It doesn't matter whether you feed them to your dog raw, cooked or steamed. Dogs should generally not eat alliums because their essential oils contain sulphur compounds. These destroy the red blood cells in your dog's body. Blood in the urine, jaundice, diarrhea, vomiting and refusal of food and even water can be symptomatic of poisoning.

Tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes and other nightshade plants

In addition to alliums, there are numerous other vegetables that are not suitable for your dog to eat raw. These include, in particular, nightshades. Whether tomatoes, potatoes or eggplant, Solanine contained in nightshade plants is poisonous for your four-legged friend. In general, neither raw nor germinating fruits should be fed. Symptoms of poisoning include diarrhea, vomiting, disorders of the autonomic nervous system and irritation of the mucous membranes.

raw legumes

Raw legumes are not only inedible for your dog, but also for you! Beans, peas and all other Fruits with pods contain the toxin phasinWhen eaten raw, it blocks protein synthesis in the intestine. This can lead to clumping of red blood cells. Symptoms of phasin poisoning include diarrhea, vomiting and fever accompanied by stomach pain. In severe cases, the liver can even swell or there can be bleeding in the stomach.

Stone fruit kernels and nuts

Eating stone fruit is considered safe for your dog. Only the Fruit stones are dangerous because they contain cyanideCyanide is converted into hydrogen cyanide in the stomach. The acid can prevent cell division and cause cell death. This process is equivalent to internal suffocation. In addition to cyanide poisoning, fruit stones can also cause constipation. Symptoms in this case include fever, cramps, shortness of breath, diarrhea and vomiting.

The same applies to nuts as to stone fruit seeds. Unripe nuts can be infected by toxin-producing fungiTheir spores cannot be seen with the naked eye. Symptoms can include tremors. Walnuts also contain hydrogen cyanide, which can also be harmful to your dog's health.

grapes and dried grapes

Grapes contain oxalic acid. In some dog breeds, oxalic acid can cause kidney failureSmaller breeds such as terriers and Maltese are particularly affected. Avoid feeding grapes and dried grapes in any case. Symptoms of oxalic acid poisoning can include apathy, stomach cramps, diarrhea and vomiting.

Dangerous foods: What to do in an emergency!

Have you observed your pet eating one of the named foods or is there a general If poisoning is suspected, every minute counts. Grab your dog and drive to the nearest vet as quickly as possible. Symptoms include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • salivation
  • Tremble
  • cramps
  • and fever

indicates intoxication. Localized bleeding on mucous membranes, bouts of weakness or hyperactive behavior can also indicate poisoning.

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