
Nähe und Vertrauen – Warum es so gut tut, wenn dein Haustier mit im Bett schläft

Closeness and trust – Why it feels so good when your pet sleeps in bed with you

Have you ever experienced how calming it is when your dog or cat snuggles up to you at night? This warm feeling of closeness and trust creates a special bond that goes beyond words. For many pet ow...

HundeblogMonsterzecken – Ein unsichtbares Risiko für dein Haustier

Monster Ticks – An Invisible Risk for Your Pet

Ticks are not only a nuisance, but can also pose serious risks to your pet’s health. In particular, so-called monster ticks have gained attention in recent years. These species, which often come fr...



Check out our varied videos! Here you will not only find instructions and tips on dental care with the emmi®-pet, but also application videos and tutorials on coat care with emmi®-care. Get inspire...

ErfahrungenErfahrungen und Bewertungen zur emmi®-pet Ultraschall-Zahnbürste

Experiences and reviews of the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush

See what others say about dental care with the emmi®-pet. Discover honest opinions, reviews and tips on how to use it. Find out how the toothbrush helps dogs and their owners to improve their denta...

HundeblogWinterpflege für deinen Hund – Haut- und Fellpflege optimal gestalten

Winter care for your dog – optimal skin and coat care

Winter covers the world in a glittering blanket of snow, brings us cozy evenings in front of the fireplace and invites us to take long walks through frosty landscapes. But while we snuggle u...

HundeblogNeujahrsvorsätze für Hundebesitzer: Gemeinsam ins neue Jahr starten

New Year's Resolutions for Dog Owners: Starting the New Year Together

A new year is just around the corner – the perfect time to reflect on the old year and start new habits full of joy and energy. Maybe you have already asked yourself: What can I do better in...

HundeblogZerrspielzeuge – Ein Vergnügen, das verbindet

Tug toys – A pleasure that connects

Are you looking for the perfect tug toy for your four-legged friend? Then you have come to the right place at emmi-pet! Our toys are not only great fun, but also have some Advantages for our...

HundeblogLabrador Retriever: Pflege und Zahngesundheit

Labrador Retriever: Care and Dental Health

The Labrador Retriever is for his friendly and loyal nature known – he is often a valuable member of the family. But how do you ensure that your Labrador stays healthy and happy for a long t...

HundeblogKausnacks: Glücklicher Hund, gesunde Zähne

Chews: Happy Dog, Healthy Teeth

In search of chew snacks for your loyal companion? Perfect, because at emmi-pet you are in exactly the right place! Our beloved four-legged friends love to chew – and not without reason. We ...

HundeblogRasse Rhodesian Ridgeback: Pflege und Zahngesundheit

Rhodesian Ridgeback breed: care and dental health

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is an impressive dog breed with African roots and a characteristic back marking that makes it unmistakable. His proud appearance and his hunting instinct are among th...

HundeblogGesundheitscheck zu Hause: Worauf Hundebesitzer achten sollten

Health check at home: What dog owners should pay attention to

Have you ever thought about how important regular health checks for dogs? Such controls are crucial to keep your four-legged friend fit and healthy Imagine if you could solve many problems r...

HundeblogRasse Weißer Schäferhund: Pflege und Zahngesundheit

White German Shepherd Breed: Care and Dental Health

The White German Shepherd impresses not only with its magnificent white fur, but also with its amazing intelligence. Originally bred as a herding dog, it has long since established itself as...

HundeblogWelche Hunderasse passt zu mir?

Which dog breed is right for me?

The Choosing the right dog breed is crucial for a harmonious coexistence. Ask yourself the question: Which dog breed is right for me? Your lifestyle plays a central role. Are you active and ...

HundeblogRasse Welsh Corgi: Pflege und Zahngesundheit

Welsh Corgi breed: care and dental health

The Welsh Corgi, also affectionately called Corgi, with its short legs and long body, is simply incredible charmingThis breed inspires with its self-confident character and their intelligenc...

KatzenblogDie Wichtigkeit von regelmäßigen Zahnuntersuchungen bei Katzen

The importance of regular dental examinations in cats

Cats are true masters of pain and discomfort hideThis makes it particularly difficult to detect dental problems in time. So why are regular dental examinations crucial? It goes far beyond si...

HundeblogRatgeber: Altersgerechte Pflege für Seniorenhunde

Guide: Age-Appropriate Care for Senior Dogs

We are all aware that Dogs age faster than humansBut what exactly does this mean for your loyal companion? As your dog gets older, new challenges arise that require appropriate and careful c...

Hundeblog6 Vorteile regelmäßiger Zahnpflege für die allgemeine Gesundheit von Hunden

6 Benefits of Regular Dental Care for the Overall Health of Dogs

Have you ever wondered why the dental care This question concerns many dog owners, and the answer is crucial for the well-being of your four-legged friend. Proper dental care can change your...

HundeblogRasse Dackel: Pflege und Zahngesundheit

Dachshund Breed: Care and Dental Health

The dachshund, also affectionately known as Teckel, is more than just a dog – he is a little hero with great personalityOriginally bred as a hunting dog, the dachshund impresses with its uni...

HundeblogWie pflegst du empfindliche Hundepfoten richtig? – Tipps für gesunde Pfoten

How do you properly care for sensitive dog paws? – Tips for healthy paws

Have we ever really asked ourselves how important paw care is for our dog? The paws are sensitive and deserve special attention to avoid cracks and injuries. But how do we care for sensitive...

HundeblogGolden Retriever: Pflege, Gesundheit und Zahnhygiene

Golden Retriever: Care, Health and Dental Hygiene

The Golden Retriever is rightly considered to be a very popular dog! Why? He combines friendliness, playfulness and a lovable nature that make him the perfect family dog. Originally from the...

HundeblogGrundlagen der Zahnpflege bei Haustieren: Einfache Tipps für Hunde und Katzen

Basics of Pet Dental Care: Simple Tips for Dogs and Cats

Dental care for pets often presents us with a amazing challenge. How do you ensure that a dog or cat's teeth are properly cared for? And why is it so important? Dental health plays a crucial...

HundeblogSommerliche Hitze: So schützt du deinen Hund und deine Katze vor Überhitzung

Summer heat: How to protect your dog and cat from overheating

While we enjoy the sun, our pets often under the summer heatAnd yes, the current temperatures are alarming. Unlike humans, dogs and cats cannot actively regulate their body temperature. What...

HundeblogRasse Französische Bulldogge: Pflege und Zahngesundheit

French Bulldog Breed: Care and Dental Health

The French Bulldog is known for its lovable and charming nature. But with its adorable appearance comes some health challenges, especially in the area of oral hygiene. The special facial str...

HundeblogSteigerung der Lebensqualität älterer Hunde und Katzen durch verbesserte Mundhygiene

Improving the quality of life of older dogs and cats through improved oral hygiene

The health and quality of life of our beloved four-legged friends is important to us. Especially as they get older, it is our concern to ensure that they enjoy a pleasant retirement in the b...