
Ear infection in dogs: first aid!

Ohrenentzündung beim Hund: Erste Hilfe!

The ear infection in dogs is not a trivial matter, but it can be treated relatively easily. You are certainly very happy when your four-legged friend is healthy and happy. However, if an ear infection is on the way, it can manifest itself in your dog through very classic symptoms show. This can be done fatigue and apathy count, but also Howling or refusing food can be an initial indication of an ear infection. In today's blog post, we'll explain how to recognize an ear infection and how best to treat it.

Recognizing Ear Infection in Dogs

The most common Otitis Externa is one of the ear infections. This is a inflammation of the outer earHowever, otitis externa can be very painful. If it remains If left untreated, it can have serious negative consequences for your dog have.

Almost every dog will have an ear infection at some point in his life. However, breeds with

  • long,
  • heavily hairy and
  • drooping ears.

The special anatomy of these ears ensures that they

  • poorly ventilated

are. This means that they are significantly more susceptible to harmful pathogensThis promotes inflammation.

One ear infection in your dog You can usually tell by the fact that your dog is very restless and has severe itching in his ears. Another sign of an ear infection can be strong shaking of the head Constant rubbing or even pushing the head across the floor can also Signs of Otitis Externa In the case of an advanced ear infection, your dog may even no longer want to have his ear touched due to severe pain.

Many sick dogs hold their heads permanently tilted. affected ear may be swollen, hot or even red In particularly severe cases, a very bad smell can come from the ear. crumbly, greasy, black or yellowish secretion can indicate an ear infection in your dog.

How does a dog ear infection develop?

Very common are Pathogens and ear mites cause ear infections in dogs. But also bacteria and yeasts can lead to an ear infection in your dog. Rarely, but not excluded,

  • tick bites,
  • foreign bodies and
  • wounds and tumors

promote an ear infection in your dog.

Preventing ear infections in dogs

To one ear infection in your dog To prevent this, you should check your dog's ears regularly. Injuries, inflamed areas - even very small ones - and dirt can be identified in this way and removed or treated before a major infection occurs. You can easily identify foreign bodies through regular inspection and act accordingly.

During the examination, you should clean your dog's ears with a very gentle lotion. Special preparations for gentle ear cleaning or a cloth moistened with warm water are ideal for cleaning your dog's sensitive ears without irritation. Do you already know our emmi-pet care products?

Avoid using dry paper towels or even cotton swabs, as these can actually promote ear infections in your dog. If you notice an ear infection in your dog, we recommend that you go to the vet immediately.

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