
Panting in dogs and cats

Hecheln bei Hund und Katze

Have you ever wondered why dogs and cats pant? Is it a disease or is panting normal and harmless in cats too? In today's blog post we will explain why dogs and cats pant and what it means.

Harmless causes of panting in dogs and cats

Panting in dogs and cats has harmless causes in most cases. Even if Cats pant significantly less than dogs does not necessarily have to be a health problem. In most cases, panting has completely natural causes and stops after a short time. As symptom of a disease However, panting in dogs and cats should always be noticed, especially if there is also shortness of breath.

Many cat owners don't even know that cats can pant. Panting is more commonly associated with dogs. If your cat only pants for a short period of time and if she calms down quickly, you can assume that there is no health problem behind itLike dogs, cats can start panting when they exert themselves physically. A cat can also become out of breath after a long romp or after hunting.

Heavy panting, i.e. an increased breathing rate, allows significantly more oxygen to be taken into the blood during physical exertion. Once your cat has recovered, the breathing rate drops again, similar to a dog. If your cat or dog starts panting even with slight exertion, this can be indicate a health problem. Especially if your dog or cat is overweight, you should have early panting checked by a veterinarian.

Stress and anxiety can also become a physical burden for your dog or cat. Typical situations include:

  • Drive a car
  • Moving to another apartment
  • veterinary visits
  • The transport box
  • strangers (people or animals)
  • territorial disputes
  • Other

Another The cause of heavy and pronounced panting can be heat While we humans sweat in high temperatures, our pets use thermoregulation. Support your pet in these moments with cool towels or offer them a shady spot and fresh, cool water to.

Panting in dogs and cats as a sign of illness

panting can also always be symptom of a disease Unlike panting of natural origin, the respiratory rate does not decrease again, but remains elevated for a long time. Panting often occurs as a symptom of

  • hyperthyroidism,
  • heart disease,
  • peritonitis,
  • respiratory disease,
  • pain and
  • other inflammations

on. Special care is required in case of heavy panting accompanied by shortness of breath. This is where all your alarm bells should ring. Is your animal breathing

  • difficult or strenuous,
  • panting, flat or with strong pumping movements in the abdomen and chest,

you should immediately a veterinarian Coughing fits, pale or bluish gums, and unusual breathing sounds can also be accompanied by heavy panting. In this situation, a visit to a veterinarian is unavoidable.

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Ohrenentzündung beim Hund: Erste Hilfe!
Internationaler Katzentag am 08.08.2022