
Prevent gingivitis in dogs

Zahnfleischentzündung beim Hund vermeiden

Prevent gingivitis in dogs

With proper and professional dental care, gingivitis can also be avoided in dogs. Just like with humans, gingivitis is a very painful issue for your dog. However, if the disease is detected early and you act quickly, the painful inflammation in the mouth can be stopped and completely cured. Today we will tell you how you can actively counteract gingivitis and how you can prevent it in the long term.

How do you recognize gingivitis in dogs?

Gingivitis in dogs is often difficult to detect in its early stages. Unfortunately, there are no visible signs at first. Only strong bad breath can indicate the onset of inflammation. If the gingivitis remains unnoticed for a long time, the symptoms can worsen. In this case, your dog's behavior indicates gingivitis.

While in the early stages only bad breath can be identified as an indication of gingivitis, as the severity increases symptoms such as scratching of the mouth, scratching, red and swollen gums, one-sided chewing, bloody or even purulent saliva, exposed tooth necks and even complete refusal to eat appear.

How do you treat gingivitis in dogs?

If you have noticed the symptoms mentioned above in your dog, you should definitely see a veterinarian for a more detailed examination. Gingivitis does not heal on its own. On the contrary, the inflammation often spreads quickly and over a large area. It can lead to serious illnesses and even destroy the entire periodontal ligament.

Your veterinarian will determine the treatment and therapy after a thorough medical history and the resulting diagnosis. Depending on the severity of the inflammation, antibiotics may be necessary. You can also counteract the inflammation with regular dental care. Once the inflammation has completely subsided, you can even prevent new inflammation in your dog through dental hygiene.

Causes of gingivitis in dogs

Gingivitis is not uncommon in dogs. More than 80 percent of all dogs suffer from this painful inflammation at least once in their lives. There are many factors that lead to gingivitis. The most common include food particles, bacterial plaque and tartar. But even small injuries to the gums can trigger gingivitis. Tumors or eating feces are extremely rare triggers for gingivitis. Misaligned teeth, autoimmune diseases and fungal infections are also among the causes that can lead to gingivitis.

Fighting gingivitis in dogs

If your dog is suffering from gingivitis, the first step is to visit the vet, but you can still support your beloved four-legged friend in his recovery. In addition to medication and appropriate therapy that your vet will give your dog, you can prevent the inflammation from spreading through very effective and regular dental care.

You can also effectively prevent gingivitis if you clean and check your dog's teeth regularly. With our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush, you can minimize the spread and proliferation of bacteria. And in a very effective way. You can clean your dog's teeth and gums regularly, quickly and easily, without noise or vibration. Remove any leftover food and ensure a healthy mouth flora.

With regular oral hygiene, you will also become more aware of weak points so that you can react early and counteract the inflammation.

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