Loose dog teeth that fall out
If your dog's teeth are wobbly or even falling out, your dog appears to have serious periodontal problems. Teeth start to wobble when the bone and gums have already receded significantly. If this is the case, the leverage of the tooth crown becomes greater than the strength of the tooth root. This process promotes further degradation of bone material in your dog, even in the entire jaw area. We will explain to you in today's blog post why teeth start to wobble and what wobbly teeth mean.
Why do teeth start to wobble?
Periodontosis and the associated bone loss in the jaw are noticeable on the one hand through severe toothache and on the other hand through a bad smell from the mouth . Unfortunately, the symptoms of incipient periodontosis are hardly noticeable in the early stages . Periodontosis begins insidiously. Your dog eats normally at first and you can hardly notice any other changes in the dog's behavior in the early stages . However, if the periodontosis progresses your dog will refuse food . Advanced periodontal disease is often accompanied by personality changes.
At this point, you should have your dog's mouth and teeth checked and seek professional advice from a vet if there is visible damage . If the affected teeth are already damaged to the point where they are wobbly, extraction is often the only option. Periodontitis is insidious. So insidious that in some cases even stuck teeth have to be extracted. This is often the case when the jawbone is already massively damaged.
However, the treatment of periodontitis is always This means that borderline findings can be "saved or stopped " by regular tooth brushing. With daily dental care, your dog's dental status quo can sometimes be maintained . With regular dental hygiene, ideally with our emmi®- pet ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs, you can not only save your four-legged friend a lot of suffering, but also maintain the status quo of their teeth. Thanks to daily dental hygiene, you can effectively prevent further tooth decay .
We recommend daily oral hygiene from puppy age. And not just for small breeds. Thanks to regular dental care with our emmi®- pet ultrasonic toothbrush, periodontitis can be largely avoided. But that's not all, because the general source of infection that lies dormant in your dog's mouth can also be mitigated through daily dental care. Ultrasonic technology also kills harmful germs and bacteria. And these should not be underestimated . Harmful germs and bacteria can also damage all other organs in your dog's body. The heart, kidneys, liver and even the joints can be massively damaged by bacteria that spread from the mouth through the blood and can lead to serious secondary diseases .
What do wobbly and purple-stained teeth mean in dogs?
If your dog's teeth are purple, you can assume that your dog has had a bleeding in the tooth. If the teeth are purple, it can be assumed that there has been bleeding in the tooth canal (dentin canals). The red blood shines through the enamel and makes your dog's affected tooth appear purple.
There are many reasons for a purple tooth. However, they are often caused by trauma, such as an injury or even brute force. If trauma is not the cause of the bleeding, infection or inflammation should also be considered as a cause. Chemical or thermal stimuli can also cause internal bleeding in the tooth.
Your dog's canine teeth are often affected by purple discoloration. In many cases, the inflammation subsides, but the discoloration remains . In some cases , dream a ta or infections However, the tooth may die. This can happen even if the dog's tooth is otherwise undamaged and not loose . In this case, endodontic treatment is required. Your vet will carefully consider whether the tooth can still be saved or whether it needs to be extracted.