If you have the treats for your dog If you bake your own treats, there are several advantages. The most important point here is that you know which ingredients you have used. Industrially manufactured dog treats contain sugar, coloring and preservatives. All unhealthy ingredients that should not normally be on your dog's menu. Another advantage for your dog is the size of the portions. You decide the size of the treats yourself. And you can even save money, because most of the ingredients don't cost much. Which ingredients are best for Baking dog treats particularly well suited and our 3 favorite recipes we will tell you in today's blog post.
DIY dog treats made easy
At the Creating your own dog treats There are no limits. Anything that your dog likes and tolerates well is allowed. If you choose ingredients that offer your dog nutritional value, you are even doing something good for his health. Wholemeal flour, potatoes, rice, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yoghurt, cream cheese, carrots, spinach or even strawberries as well as fish and meat - the possibilities when creating DIY dog treats are unlimited.
You already have experience in preparing dog food For example, by feeding your dog raw, you already know best which foods your four-legged friend likes and which he doesn't. If you are new to the field and are only slowly approaching this subject, you will quickly find out what suits your dog and which unprocessed foods he refuses. In addition, the baking treats a good opportunity to take a closer look at your dog's diet.
However, you should pay attention to the storage and preservation of homemade dog treats. Similar to non-preserved food, treats quickly become moldy form.
DIY Dog Treats Recipe 1: Liver Sausage Treats
As a classic among dog treats, the liver sausage treat cannot be missing from our list of favorites.
You need:
- 1 medium-sized egg
- 250 g liver sausage
- 500 g oat flakes
- 300 g HüKä (cottage cheese, grainy cream cheese)
- 100 ml rapeseed oil
- 10 g wholemeal flour for rolling out the dough
- Bowl
Mix all the ingredients except the flour in the bowl. Place the mixed ingredients in the fridge for about an hour to let it sit. Then take it out of the fridge and roll out the dough. If the dough is too "wet" to roll out, add oat flakes. Roll out the dough to about 1 cm thick on a work surface sprinkled with wholemeal flour. Cut the dough into small bite-sized pieces or cut out shapes. In the meantime, preheat your oven to 150 degrees circulating air. Bake the treats in the oven for about 30 minutes and then let them cool down well in the oven.
DIY Dog Treats Recipe 2: Finest Quark Pralines
Our quark pralines are relatively unknown, but are proving to be very popular. Of course, they cannot be missing from our list of favorites.
You need:
- 200 g finely ground oat flakes
- 100 g spelt flour
- 6 tablespoons buttermilk
- 5 tbsp of Dill
- 1 No.
- 2 tablespoons agave syrup
- 150 g low-fat curd cheese
- Bowl
Mix all the ingredients in the bowl. Form the dough into small balls or cut into squares. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the treats for around 25 minutes. Then let the chocolates cool down well and ideally store them in the fridge.
DIY Dog Treats Recipe 3: Strawberry Yogurt Coins
Fruity and fresh, ideal for summer, our strawberry yoghurt treats will enchant every dog.
You need:
- 100 g spelt flour
- 100 g oat flakes
- 50 g Rice flour
- 1 tablespoon agave syrup
- A handful of strawberries (squashed and drained or cut into small pieces)
- 150 g natural yogurt
- Bowl
Mix all the ingredients for the dough. Make sure that you drain the strawberries well when you squeeze them. Pureeing them is not really suitable here. The best way to make the yoghurt coins is to cut the strawberries into small cubes. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1 cm. In the next step, cut small coins out of the dough. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 150 degrees and then bake the treats in it for around 45 minutes. Then let the yoghurt coins dry out in the oven until they have cooled completely.