
Which vaccinations do dogs and cats need?

Welche Impfungen brauchen Hund und Katze?

Vaccinations for dogs and cats are recommended just as regularly as vaccinations for humans. In today's blog post, we will explain which vaccinations are important, recommended or useful for your dog or cat and which diseases they can protect against. A good vaccination status can save the life of your beloved four-legged friend.

emmi®-pet Facts: Vaccinations for dogs or cats

Before every vaccination, you should make sure that your four-legged friend is healthy and happy. In addition, it should not have any parasites either internally or externally. For cats and dogs, there are so-called non-core and core vaccinations, similar to those for humans. When we talk about core vaccinations, these are vaccinations that should protect your pet from the corresponding disease for life. The vaccination status should always remain stable and be refreshed regularly. Non-core vaccinations are vaccinations that depend on the type of housing, previous illnesses and state of health. Your veterinarian will advise you in detail about the intervals at which a vaccination should be refreshed. Current recommendations on the vaccination schedule are issued by the StiKo Vet (Permanent Vaccination Commission for Veterinary Medicine).

vaccinations for dogs

Your dog should always be protected against the following diseases:

Distemper vaccination dog:

Distemper is a contagious viral disease that can affect the nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract and even the respiratory tract. If unprotected, distemper can be fatal. The prognosis is often poor, especially for puppies. The disease can also cause damage to the brain and teeth. This can no longer be reversed.

Parvovirus vaccination for dogs:

Parvovirus is a contagious viral disease that weakens the immune system of young dogs in particular and causes bloody diarrhea and vomiting. Parvovirus is often fatal.

Leptospirosis vaccination dog:

Unlike distemper and parvovirus, leptospirosis is an infectious disease. It is caused by bacteria. The infection often occurs via the urine of infected rodents. You can also become infected. Vomiting and fever, jaundice and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys indicate a leptospirosis infection.

Rabies vaccination dog:

Everyone should be familiar with rabies. Rabies is a viral disease that is almost always fatal. It is transmitted through a bite. People can also contract rabies. Although rabies has not been confirmed in Germany, it can quickly return through illegal animal transport from distant countries. For this reason, the rabies vaccination is required by law for travel to Germany and other countries.

Your dog should be protected against the following diseases if the type of housing or living conditions make vaccination necessary:

HCC (Contagious Canine Hepatitis) Vaccination Dog:

HCC is a viral disease that infects the liver. It can lead to the sudden death of your dog. The disease can no longer be detected in Germany, but is vaccinated against as standard along with distemper or parvovirus.

Leishmaniasis vaccination dog:

Leishmaniasis is one of the Mediterranean diseases. Caused by parasites that can be transmitted by sand flies, among other things, infected animals show changes to their claws and skin. Kidney disease can also indicate leishmaniasis. An infection often requires lifelong treatment. Vaccination does not protect against the disease itself, but it does alleviate its course.

Kennel cough vaccination dog:

Kennel cough is a disease that has a very complex course. Kennel cough is formed from a combination of bacteria and viruses and is therefore very contagious. Kennel cough is a common occurrence when many animals come into contact with one another. Although the disease is not fatal if treated quickly, it is accompanied by a very unpleasant dry cough.

vaccinations for cats

Your cat should always be protected against the following diseases:

Feline Panleukopenia (Cat Plague) Vaccination Cat:

Feline panleukopenia is a viral disease that causes vomiting, a weakened immune system and fever. The tricky thing about this virus is that it can spread very quickly. Unprotected kittens are often so weakened by the virus that the disease is fatal.

Cat flu vaccination cat:

Cat flu is a disease caused by viruses and bacteria. Symptoms include a runny nose and sometimes very painful ulcers in the mouth, as well as inflamed eyes.

Your cat should be protected against the following diseases if the type of care or living conditions make vaccination necessary:

Feline leukemia virus vaccination cat:

Feline leukemia virus is a viral infection that is transmitted through saliva. Once your cat has been infected, it often remains infected for the rest of its life. Unfortunately, symptoms of this disease only appear later on. These include immune deficiency and tumors. This vaccination is suitable for middle-aged cats. It is not a typical kitten vaccination.

Rabies vaccination cat:

Just as with dogs, rabies is fatal in cats in most cases and can be transmitted to humans.

vaccinations of pets

Although vaccinations for pets are not mandatory unless you plan to travel abroad, they are nevertheless necessary to prevent the spread of various diseases. Transmission to you and your family members as well as other animals living in your household must also be avoided. Your veterinarian will advise you accordingly.

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