You wonder how your little cat is finally house trained? Admittedly, it feels like a mammoth task. Once you have disposed of your little cat's droppings for what feels like the 100th time, the hope for improvement fades. Understandable! But the Activating house training is easier than you think. Why it not that difficult In today's blog post we will explain to you how to teach your little cat to be house trained and to get her used to her little place.
House-trained cat from the start
A small cat or older cat enriches your life from now on? Congratulations! If you have got it from an adequate and reputable breeder, you can assume that it already is used to her quiet place and the issue of house training should not be a problem. Nevertheless, forgive her for one or two mishaps, which may also be due to the acclimatization to the new environment. Normally Cats at the age of three to four weeks are house trained from their mothers. They adapt the behavior and take over the scratching in the litter box after they have relieved themselves.
Cats that do not come from a reputable breeder, from a farm or from an animal shelter often lack this clean behavior. In the beginning they need your support and helpYour job is to be patient and put effort into training. Be understanding, because your cat will need some time to get rid of old and undesirable behaviors.
The right location for your cat's toilet
When you start training, make sure that you place the litter box in a room where your cat spends a lot of time. Also make sure that her litter box is accessible at all times and is in a quiet place. A quiet place simplifies training by a multiple. Training successes are apparent much more quickly. Another important factor is the choice of feeding place. Choose a place for the cat's litter box that is far enough away from the litter box.
You should also choose the litter box carefully. Cats love litter boxes that are easy to enter, but at the same time offer “protection”. Whether you choose a litter box with or without a lid, self-cleaning or for manual cleaning, choose the model that best suits your needs and, above all, meets your cat's needs. The choice of the ideal litter box depends of course on what your cat is used to. If you have several cats, each of them should have its own litter box. Clean the litter box(es) at least twice a day and at least once weekly, thoroughly under hot water. At the same time, you should also completely change the litter. However, not all litter is the same. Non-clumping cat litter is particularly suitable for young cats. Cats are usually less picky as they get older.
Suddenly unclean, despite being house trained?
If your cat was already house trained, but suddenly became unclean again, there can be very banal reasons for this. First, check the conditions on site. Have you changed anything recently? Undo it and observe the situation. Otherwise, you should check whether:
- a new bedding brand,
- the intervals of cleaning,
- the location or its surroundings,
- a new toilet
- or accessibility
could be the reason for the renewed uncleanliness. If no reason can be identified, you should take your cat to the vet. Of course, also diseases lead to uncleanliness Otherwise, we at emmi®-pet can only advise you: Practice makes perfect. Be patient!