
Erste Hilfe bei Hunden: Ein Leitfaden für Notfallsituationen

First Aid for Dogs: A Guide for Emergency Situations

Urinary tract diseases are a common problem in cats, which can be stressful for both your pet and you as the owner. In this article, we give you tips on how to recognize, prevent and treat u...

Die Rolle der Ernährung in der Zahngesundheit deines Haustieres

The Role of Nutrition in Your Pet's Dental Health

As a pet owner, you want the best for your four-legged friend, and that includes a healthy diet. But did you know that the Nutrition plays a crucial role in your pet's dental health? In this...

Ultraschallzahnpflege: Ein Schlüsselaspekt in der Pflege von Haustieren mit speziellen Bedürfnissen

Ultrasonic Dental Care: A Key Aspect in the Care of Pets with Special Needs

As a loving pet owner, you want to make sure that you consider all aspects of your animal friend’s health and well-being. If your pet special needs has, the ultrasonic dental care be a real ...

Effektive und sanfte Reinigung: Die emmi-pet Haustier-Reinigungsfingerlinge

Effective and gentle cleaning: The emmi-pet pet cleaning finger cots

Caring for your pet goes beyond regular feeding and walking. Especially caring for sensitive areas such as Ears, eyes and chin, and especially wrinkles and between the paws requires gentle a...

KatzenblogDie Bedeutung der Krallenpflege bei Katzen

The Importance of Claw Care in Cats

As a cat owner, you know that claw care is more than just a cosmetic concern. It is a essential component of your cat's health and well-beingIn this article, you will learn all about the imp...

HundeblogParasitenbefall bei Hunden: Vorbeugung ist besser als Heilung

Parasite infestation in dogs: prevention is better than cure

As a dog owner, you are certainly familiar with the concern for the health of your four-legged friend. parasites are a common threat that can be not only unpleasant but also harmful to your ...

HundeblogOptimale Anwendung der emmi-pet Ultraschallzahnbürste bei Hunden und Katzen

Optimal use of the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs and cats

The health of your pet is important to you, and that includes oral hygiene. Our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is a revolutionary tool that can revolutionize the dental care of your dogs and...

HundeblogStrategien zur Eingewöhnung von Hunden und Katzen an die emmi-pet Ultraschallzahnbürste

Strategies for getting dogs and cats used to the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush

Good oral hygiene is just as important for your pets’ health as it is for your own. Our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush offers a gentle and effective dental care solution for dogs and cats. B...

KatzenblogHäufige Zahnerkrankungen bei Katzen: Erkennung und Pflege

Common Dental Diseases in Cats: Recognition and Care

If you have a Cat you are certainly aware of how important it is to pay attention to your general health One area that is often overlooked is the dental healthDental diseases can not only be...

HundeblogWarum regelmäßige Herz-Kreislauf-Untersuchungen bei Hunden so wichtig sind

Why regular cardiovascular examinations are so important for dogs

If you have a dog, its health is certainly very important to you. In addition to care of fur and teeth, it is crucial to keep an eye on your heart and circulation. In this blog post, you wil...

HundeblogDie Grundlagen der Zahnpflege für dein Haustier – So sorgst du für ein gesundes Leben

The Basics of Dental Care for Your Pet – How to Ensure a Healthy Life

The dental health is an essential aspect of your pet’s general care. Just like with humans, animals can also Dental problems pose serious health risksIn this blog post, you will learn everyt...

Die Vorteile der Ultraschallzahnpflege für Haustiere

The Benefits of Ultrasonic Dental Care for Pets

Have you ever wondered how to improve your pet's dental health? Ultrasonic dental care with our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is an innovative solution that not only promotes your pet's ora...

HundeblogSpaß und Sicherheit für Hunde und Katzen im Schnee

Fun and safety for dogs and cats in the snow

Winter is just around the corner, and depending on where you live and the weather, that means snow! Sometimes even a lot of snow. And while many of us enjoy the white splendor, there are a f...

HundeblogWarum Hundeschulen und Katzen-Trainingskurse wichtig sind

Why dog schools and cat training courses are important

dog schools and cat training courses are more than just places to teach pets simple tricks. These classes play a crucial role in the development and well-being of our animal companions. They...

HundeblogWeihnachten mit Hund & Katze: Vorsicht bei Gewürzen!

Christmas with dog & cat: Be careful with spices!

The Christmas season is a time of enjoyment and joy, not only for us humans, but also for our beloved pets. But caution is advised, because some typical Christmas spices can be dangerous for...

HundeblogUltimative Geschenkideen für Hunde und Katzen

Ultimate Gift Ideas for Dogs and Cats

The most wonderful time of the year, when the streets are bathed in warm light and hearts are filled with joy, is just around the corner. Christmas - a time of peace, joy and giving - is fas...

HundeblogWeihnachtliches Backen - hier lauern Gefahren für Vierbeiner!

Christmas baking - dangers lurk here for four-legged friends!

Imagine it's snowing outside, fairy lights bathe your home in a cozy glow, and the smell of freshly baked cookies fills the air. But stop, because with all the anticipation that this festive...

KatzenblogDer Cat-Walk: Katzen an der Leine

The Cat Walk: Cats on a Leash

Cats are naturally curious explorers who love new territories and exciting places. But often the urban environment and traffic are anything but cat-friendly. The idea of a controlled walk on...

HundeblogWasser in der Hundeernährung, steht für ein gesundes Hundeleben

Water in dog food stands for a healthy dog life

We have all certainly seen our faithful companion thirsting for water after a long walk or a fun game with his furry friends. This sight reminds us how essential water is - not only for us, ...

HundeblogSchokolade – eine tödliche Versuchung für Vierbeiner

Chocolate – a deadly temptation for four-legged friends

Sweets and especially chocolate delight our taste buds, and not just during Advent and on special occasions. But while we enjoy the sweet treat, it is a truly dangerous treat for our furry f...

HundeblogHund trainieren, im Freien zu schlafen

Training your dog to sleep outside

Are you thinking about offering your beloved four-legged friend a place to sleep outdoors? Great idea! But of course there are a few things to consider. In this article you will learn how to...

HundeblogPflegetipps für den Fellwechsel

Care tips for the coat change

Every dog owner knows the seasonal coat change his favorite. But how do you best deal with this phase? In this article, you will learn how to use targeted care tips and an adapted diet to en...

HundeblogGPS Tracker für Hund und Katze: Mehr als nur ein Trend

GPS Tracker for Dogs and Cats: More than just a Trend

The fear of losing a beloved pet is all too familiar for many pet owners. But with the introduction of GPS trackers for dogs and cats There is an innovative way to reduce this concern. Find ...

HundeblogEntspannt durch den Herbst mit Hund und Katze

Relaxing through the autumn with dog and cat

The golden autumn is just around the corner. While you are looking forward to cozy evenings and the rustling of colorful leaves, you may be wondering: How do I optimally adjust my pet's diet...