
Wie du deinen Hund bei starkem Sommergewitter beruhigst

How to Calm Your Dog During a Heavy Summer Thunderstorm

A summer storms can be fascinating - the lightning, the rumble of thunder, the patter of rain. But while you may enjoy the smell of rain, your four-legged friend may be plagued with fear. Ma...

HundeblogZerrspielzeug für Hunde –Pros und Contras

Tug Toys for Dogs – Pros and Cons

Every dog owner knows this: The loyal four-legged friend enthusiastically pulls on a toy, and a small tug-of-war ensues between man and animal. But as entertaining as these moments can be, t...

Tierärztliche Check-ups im Sommer: Was du wissen musst

Veterinary Check-ups in Summer: What You Need to Know

Summer! Sunny days in the park, long walks and shared adventures characterize this wonderful season. However, summer also has some potential risks for our animal companionsIn today's blog po...

HundeblogSpaß und Gesundheit für Hunde- und Katzenbesitzer im Sommer

Fun and Health for Dog and Cat Owners in Summer

Summertime is the best time to enjoy the sun and nature with our beloved four-legged friends. In today's blog post you will find the 10 Best Summer Activities for Dog and Cat Ownersthat are ...

Die Bedeutung von Sonnenschutz für Haustiere: Der ultimative Ratgeber

The Importance of Sun Protection for Pets: The Ultimate Guide

Summer, sun, holiday time! We all love the warm season, but we often forget how important it is to take care of not only ourselves, but also our beloved Protecting pets from the sunIn today'...

KatzenblogPflege und Gesundheitskontrolle von Katzen im Freigang

Care and health checks of outdoor cats

Cats are very popular pets that make all of our lives richer and more lovable. The best combination is the so-called outdoor cats, who live with their owners in an apartment but can go outsi...

HundeblogSchwimmen & Wasserspiele für Hunde und wasserliebende Katzen - Tipps, Tricks und Ideen für unvergessliche Wasserabenteuer!

Swimming & water games for dogs and water-loving cats - tips, tricks and ideas for unforgettable water adventures!

Water activities are not only great fun for humans, our four-legged friends can also enjoy a refreshing cool down on warm days. In today's blog post you will learn all about Swimming and wat...

HundeblogHund stinkt aus dem Maul

Dog's mouth smells bad

Your Dog smells and smells from the mouth? Your dog's bad breath is literally stinking to high heaven? Friendly panting, hearty yawning and burping regularly leave bad smelling air? Then you...

HundeblogDie Top 10 Filme, in denen eine Katze mitspielt –perfekt für Katzenliebhaber und Familien

The Top 10 Movies Featuring a Cat – Perfect for Cat Lovers and Families

In today’s blog article we present you 10 films in which a cat plays the main role plays, that you must see. Whether you have a cat yourself or are just a cat lover – these Films are for all...

HundeblogHund und Katze vergesellschaften: So gelingt das Zusammenleben

Socializing dogs and cats: How to make them live together

In today’s blog post we explain how you Socializing dogs and cats Here you will find valuable tips to make the coexistence of dogs and cats harmonious and stress-free. Getting to know your...

HundeblogHundemalaria: Schütze deinen Vierbeiner und erkenne die Symptome

Canine malaria: Protect your four-legged friend and recognize the symptoms

In today’s blog post we explain what canine malaria is how you can protect your dog and how the disease is treated at the vet. Let's delve into this important topic for all dog owners. Wha...

HundeblogZahngesundheit bei Haustieren: Gesundheit beginnt im Maul

Dental health in pets: Health begins in the mouth

Nowadays, the dental health in pets a very high priority. While in the past nobody was interested in it, nowadays people pay a lot of attention to oral hygiene. Thanks to modern technology a...

KatzenblogTipps und Tricks, um das Trinkverhalten von Katzen zu verbessern

Tips and tricks to improve the drinking behavior of cats

If you are a cat owner, then you know that cats drink very little. This can often lead to health problems, as the bladder and kidneys are often undersupplied. Knowing that a cat needs around...

HundeblogGesunde Ernährung für Hund und Katze

Healthy Nutrition for Dogs and Cats

Even though it used to be very different, pets are now part of the family and are treated as full members of the family. They live in the house just like us and often even share our bed. We ...

HundeblogEntspannt mit guten Vorsätzen ins neue Jahr

Relaxed with good intentions into the new year

General New Year's resolutions don't just apply to people. Animals can benefit from them too. If you want to start the New Year relaxed with your dog or cat, you should focus on their health...

HundeblogAb 22. November neue Gebührenordnung für Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte (GOT)

New fee schedule for veterinarians (GOT) from 22 November

If you have pets, you have certainly heard that a new fee schedule for veterinarians will come into force at the end of November 2022. This means that prices will rise, especially for routin...

Hundeblog3 Dinge, die eine Haustierversicherung abdeckt, die dich überraschen!

3 things pet insurance covers that will surprise you!

Before you adopt a dog or a cat, you should consider the costs of keeping one. Not only do food and care incur monthly costs, but potential health problems can also quickly add up to horrend...

HundeblogUrlaub mit Hund und Katze: Das solltest du beachten!

Holidays with dogs and cats: What you should keep in mind!

If you traveling with your pet, there are a few things to consider or plan before you go on holiday. Unlike a spontaneous short trip alone, you should prepare for the Preparing for a vacatio...

HundeblogSo kriegen Sie verfressene Hunde in den Griff

How to get greedy dogs under control

There are dogs that always seem to be hungry. If the owner gives in to the begging that comes with it, he will soon have a problem. It is better to give these dogs clear rules and routines. ...

Hundeblog5 Tipps, wie du deinen Hund allein zu Haus lassen kannst

5 tips on how to leave your dog alone at home

As soon as your dog is alone in the house, things go crazy, but when you are with him, everything works out great. This behavior can not only get on your nerves, but also reduce your concent...

KatzenblogMundgeruch bei der Katze: Ursachen, Behandlung und Prophylaxe

Bad breath in cats: causes, treatment and prevention

Bad breath in cats is a common problem, which many animals suffer from. Although the velvet paws are very clean, they often have bad breath, which is particularly noticeable when cuddling or...

HundeblogUnterhaltung und Emotionen für Hundeliebhaber und Familien

Entertainment and emotions for dog lovers and families

Dogs have been man’s best friend for centuries and have taken a firm place in our hearts over time. They are loyal companions, courageous protectors and lovable family membersSo it's no wond...

HundeblogKönnen Zahnerkrankungen das Vestibularsyndrom beim Hund auslösen?

Can dental diseases cause vestibular syndrome in dogs?

A guide for dog owners who want to learn about the possible complications of dental disease! Dental diseases in dogs are a common problem that affects many dog owners. They can lead to pain,...

HundeblogWie alt sind Katzen und Hunde in Menschenleben?

How old are cats and dogs in human life?

Today we would like to tell you about the Conversion of the age of cats and dogs into human years. This conversion helps us to better understand how our pets age and what this means for thei...