
Zahnfleischentzündung beim Hund und mögliche Folgeerkrankungen

Gingivitis in dogs and possible secondary diseases

Similar to humans, the Dental care for dogs extremely important and even fundamental to ensure the animal's long-term health. This is why gingivitis in dogs, as a symptom of potential dental...

HundeblogWie man beim Hund Zahnstein verhindert

How to Prevent Tartar in Dogs

If your dog has tartar, it is difficult and often painful and expensive to get rid of it. The best thing to do is to prevent your dog from getting tartar in the first place. Here you can fin...

HundeblogWarum Rosenholzstäbchen bei der Hundezahnpflege helfen

Why rosewood sticks help with dog dental care

A simple rosewood sticks can effectively support you in caring for your dog's teeth and helps you protect your dog from tartar, periodontal disease and tooth decay - problems that 80% of all...

HundeblogWarum ist die Ultraschall-Zahnbürste für Hunde sinnvoll?

Why is the ultrasonic toothbrush useful for dogs?

Many people are now aware of the benefits of this innovative dental care. But we often forget an important group for the ultrasonic toothbrush: dogs. Our four-legged friends can re...

HundeblogWarum hat mein Hund Mundgeruch?

Why does my dog ​​have bad breath?

There is nothing more fun than cuddling with your pet. There is little that spoils the fun, except perhaps an unpleasant smell. Many pet owners have come to terms with the fact that ...

HundeblogDem Hund Zähne putzen? Darum lohnt es sich!

Brushing your dog's teeth? Why it's worth it!

What? Now I have to brush my dog's teeth too? Often enough I can hardly motivate myself to do it. Admittedly, many people probably react that way. However, there are solid reasons wh...

HundeblogGesunde Zähne beim Hund: wesentliche Grundlage für die Hundegesundheit

Healthy teeth in dogs: essential basis for dog health

Healthy teeth are of immense importance to humans - and the same is true for dogs. Dental health is an important indicator of your four-legged friend's general health. Dental diseases such a...

HundeblogWarum benötigen Hunde Zahnpflege?

Why do dogs need dental care?

Brushing your dog's teeth? The idea seems strange to many pet owners, even if they regularly brush their own teeth. But they take it for granted that their pets can get by without a toothbru...

HundeblogFür die Gesundheit Ihres Vierbeiners: die beste Zahnpflege für Hunde

For the health of your four-legged friend: the best dental care for dogs

Dogs' teeth require just as much care as humans'. Dental diseases such as caries and especially periodontitis plague dogs as much as their owners. Bad breath and tartar are just the beginnin...

HundeblogDie neuste Generation der elektrischen Zahnbürste für Hunde: emmi®-pet Ultraschallzahnbürste

The latest generation of electric toothbrush for dogs: emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush

The more thorough the animal's dental care, the better for its health. What has a positive effect on human dental health also has advantages for four-legged friends. Brushing the dog's teeth...

Barrierefrei Gütesiegel  EUKOBA

Barrier-free quality seal EUKOBA

emmi®-dent Care Barrier-free seal of approval Quality seal EU-GS 904 3 201 7 0037 D 0 The European Competence Centre for Accessibility eV hereby awards, by decision of theControl Committee of 25 ...

HundeblogHundezahnbürste mit Ultraschall

dog toothbrush with ultrasound

Catching and chewing food – these are the two main tasks that a dog’s teeth perform. The animal’s teeth are therefore vital for survival, even if it no longer has to hunt for its food when i...

HundeblogZahnpflege beim Welpen

Dental care for puppies

When they are puppies, most dogs have sparkling white teeth that have not yet developed tartar. But without adequate dental care, this condition can change quickly. Veterinarians point out t...

HundeblogZähneputzen beim Hund

Brushing your dog's teeth

Brushing teeth is not only necessary for humans, but also for your beloved four-legged friend. Without thorough dental care, bacteria find ideal conditions in your dog's mouth. Tartar can de...

HundeblogZahnpflege bei Katzen: Die richtige Katzenzahnpasta

Dental care for cats: The right cat toothpaste

When it comes to dental hygiene, there are hardly any differences between cats and humans. Just like us, our beloved house cats also leave food residue on or between their teeth after a meal...

HundeblogMundgeruch beim Hund mit Ultraschall vorbeugen und behandeln

Preventing and treating bad breath in dogs with ultrasound

Cuddling with your beloved four-legged friend is one of the most intimate moments between pet and owner. However, the most beautiful cuddling moments are spoiled when you suddenly smell unpl...

HundeblogKatzenzahnbürste: So gelingt die tiergerechte Zahnpflege mit der emmi-pet

Cat toothbrush: How to achieve animal-friendly dental care with the emmi®-pet

Dogs and cats are just as susceptible to dental diseases as humans. Problems with the teeth are one of the most common diseases in cats. The cause is usually tartar, which can cause painful ...

HundeblogMikrobläschen Zertifikat Goethe Universität

Microbubble Certificate Goethe University

Microbubble Confirmation in emmi-dent Toothpaste Confirmation As shown below, you can see a detail taken at high magnificationfrom Emmi-dent toothpaste. Produced with the Hitachi scanning ...

Klinische Studie 2018

Clinical Study 2018

Ultrasound compared to manual toothbrushing in orthodontic patients with manifest gum inflammation (gingivitis) - A randomized, clinically controlled trial. Executive Summary Witten 2018 O...

Klinische Studie 2013

Clinical Study 2013

Clinically controlled study on the effect of Ultrasound effect in the periodontal maintenance therapy Executive Summary Witten 2012 ORMED Institute for Oral Medicine at the University of ...

Klinische Studie 2012

Clinical Study 2012

Clinically controlled study of plaque reduction and inflammation control of the gingiva with the ultrasonic toothbrush emmi®-dent Executive Summary Witten 2011 ORMED Institute for Oral Me...

HundeblogZahnstein entfernen beim Hund

Removing tartar from dogs

Unfortunately, the pleasant life of our dogs as pets also brings with it inconveniences such as tartar buildup. Because this poses significant health risks, it is highly recommended that tar...

KatzenblogZahnfleischentzündung bei der Katze

gingivitis in cats

As a pet owner, you are very concerned about the well-being and health of your cat. These velvety four-legged friends are particularly often affected by diseases in the mouth. Veterinarians ...

HundeblogZähne putzen beim Hund

Brushing your dog's teeth

In the following article we will show you how important it is to brush your dog’s teeth. dental care for dogs Healthy teeth are important for dogs, especially when eating. Dental diseases, o...