
Silvesterstress beim Hund

New Year's Eve stress in dogs

For many dogs, the New Year a bad and exhausting day. In today's blog post, we explain why your dog may be particularly stressed on this day and how this can be avoided. Tip 1: Walk the dog bef...

HundeblogDen Hund an der Leine führen

Keep the dog on a leash

Do you have Problems with your dog's leash ? Does your dog pull hard or generally bad on the leash ? Then today we have many helpful tips for you so that it works better in the futur...

HundeblogHundezeit sinnvoll nutzen – Beschäftigung für deinen Hund

Use dog time wisely – keeping your dog busy

As a dog owner, you know from your own experience that dogs also have demands on their favorite people. Going for the same walk every day or throwing the same toy over and over again, dogs c...

HundeblogDemodikose (Demodex) beim Hund

Demodicosis (Demodex) in dogs

As a dog owner, you are familiar with the term demodicosis Demodex is a skin infection, triggered by hair follicle mitesIn small numbers, these mites are completely unproblematic. They can b...

HundeblogAbszess und Analdrüsenentzündung beim Hund

Abscess and anal gland inflammation in dogs

The anal gland of the dog is used to mark territory. It contains a secretion that has an intense smell. Various circumstances can lead to the secretion not being able to drain and the glands...

HundeblogTipps zum Baden von Hunden

Tips for Bathing Dogs

Do you already know the Benefits of a Dog Bath? When your four-legged friend has rolled around in dirt or manure, it is high time for a bath. This stubborn dirt can rarely be removed with a ...

HundeblogOhrenpflege beim Hund

Ear care for dogs

Today’s blog post is all about the topic Ear care for dogs, because dog ears are often neglected in everyday life. sensitive sensory organ requires special attention and regular monitoringIf...

HundeblogParasiten beim Hund: Zecken

Parasites in dogs: ticks

Parasites such as mites and fleas can make life difficult for you and your beloved four-legged friend. Severe itching, scratching and biting can be the first signs of an infestation. But als...

HundeblogWarum werden Hunde gechipt?

Why are dogs chipped?

As dog owners is the chip your four-legged friend certainly a termIn most cases, the tiny implant in the neck area directly under the your dog's skinThe chip is a Transponder on which an ide...

HundeblogHundepfeife - Wie gut hören Hunde?

Dog whistle - How well do dogs hear?

As a dog owner, you may have already thought about using a dog whistle thought about or already know about their advantages? Originally reserved for work with hunting, herding and patrol dog...

HundeblogZahnhygiene: Kosten für Zahnsteinentfernung

Dental hygiene: Costs for tartar removal

As you know, regular dental hygiene is not only extremely important for us humans. It also ensures – when used correctly – that our beloved four-legged friends Dental health into old age. Of...

HundeblogMotivation ist alles!

Motivation is everything!

Motivation is everything! How to identify and eliminate the biggest motivation killers Dogs are usually very easy to motivate to cooperate: some like food, others can be rewarded with play. ...

HundeblogAllergien beim Hund

Allergies in Dogs

Dull coat, hair loss, itchy muzzle, paws and ears are often symptomatic of an allergy in dogs If your four-legged friend scratches himself frequently, although you cannot identify a parasite...

HundeblogDer eifersüchtige Hund

The Jealous Dog

A jealous dog can quickly become a problem. Especially when several people live in one household or the household expands, for example, due to children, Jealous behavior of your dog to the n...

HundeblogDie Vor- und Nachteile von BARF beim Hund

The advantages and disadvantages of BARF for dogs

Few topics offer as much need for discussion and promote the culture of debate as the nutrition of a dogConventionally produced dog food is compared to raw feeding (BARF or BARF) almost ever...

Hundeblog5 Tipps, wie du Hund und Katze entspannt an den Tierarzt gewöhnst

5 tips on how to get your dog and cat used to the vet in a relaxed manner

The puppy is here; the kitten has moved in. At the latest for the basic immunization and general health check, the visit to the vett inevitable. What preparations you should make in advance ...

HundeblogDIY: Selbstgemachter Salzteig-Pfotenabdruck für Hund und Katze

DIY: Homemade salt dough paw print for dogs and cats

A homemade DIY paw print represents for many dog and cat owners much more than a decorative object, because after the death of your beloved pet, that paw print becomes a magical memory. desi...

HundeblogZahnfreundliche Rezepte für Leckerlis

Tooth-friendly recipes for treats

If you have the treats for your dog If you bake your own treats, there are several advantages. The most important point here is that you know which ingredients you have used. Industrially ma...

HundeblogWelche Lebensmittel sind für Hunde gefährlich?

Which foods are dangerous for dogs?

You can cute look of your dog, when he tries to beg for a small morsel from the table, he can hardly resist? There is nothing wrong with a treat that accidentally falls from the table? Wrong...

HundeblogEignen sich Tennisbälle und Stöcke zum Spielen mit dem Hund?

Are tennis balls and sticks suitable for playing with dogs?

The proper play with the dog Unfortunately, in everyday life, it is often neglected. The daily activities with your four-legged friend are not only fun, but also promotes your bond, is educa...

HundeblogDie Magendrehung - Holger Schüler

The gastric torsion - Holger Schüler

The gastric torsion Every owner of a large dog is terrified of this diagnosis: gastric torsion! I would like to discuss the topic of gastric torsion in dogs with experts and doctors. The c...

HundeblogDer Zweithund - Holger Schüler

The Second Dog - Holger Schüler

The second dog People who have two dogs usually think that they have done the first dog a big favor. Because now he has a playmate and is no longer so alone! Unfortunately, this often goes w...

HundeblogWeltkatzentag: 08.08.2021 - Internationaler Tag der Katze

World Cat Day: 08.08.2021 - International Cat Day

Every year in August we celebrate the Cat DayOn this day we dedicate ourselves to the four-legged cuddly cats and ensure their well-being. International Cat Day was originally organized by I...

KatzenblogWie wird meine Katze stubenrein?

How do I house train my cat?

You wonder how your little cat is finally house trained? Admittedly, it feels like a mammoth task. Once you have disposed of your little cat's droppings for what feels like the 100th time, t...